Italian is a Romance language that originated in Italy. It has a rich history dating back to the 13th century, when it evolved from Vulgar Latin. Italian became the official language of Italy in 1861 and is now spoken by over 65 million people worldwide. Here are some common words and phrases to help you navigate your trip to Italy:


  • Ciao (chao) - Hello/Goodbye (informal)
  • Buongiorno (bwohn-jor-no) - Good morning/Good day

- Buonasera (bwoh-nah-seh-rah) - Good evening

- Arrivederci (ahr-ree-veh-dehr-chee) - Goodbye


- Prego (preh-go) - You're welcome

- Grazie (graht-see-eh) - Thank you

- Per favore (pehr fah-voh-reh) - Please

- Menu (meh-noo) - Menu

- Pane (pah-neh) - Bread

- Acqua (ah-kwah) - Water


- Stazione (stah-zee-oh-neh) - Station

- Autobus (ow-toh-boos) - Bus

- Treno (treh-no) - Train

- Biglietto (bee-lyet-toh) - Ticket

- Uscita (oo-shee-tah) - Exit


- Ristorante (ree-stoh-rahn-teh) - Restaurant

- Tavolo (tah-vo-lo) - Table

- Cameriere (kah-meh-ree-eh-reh) - Waiter/Waitress

- Conto (kohn-toh) - Bill

- Birra (beer-rah) - Beer


- Hotel (oh-tehl) - Hotel

- Camera (kah-meh-rah) - Room

- Reception (reh